How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists




Last week’s post (Thetruth about vaccinations: Your physician knows more than the University of Google) sparked a very lively discussion, with comments from several people trying to persuade me (and the other readers) that their paperdisproved everything that I’d been saying. While I encourage you to go read the comments and contribute your own, here I want to focus on the much larger issue that this debate raised: what constitutes scientific authority?

It’s not just a fun academic problem. Getting the science wrong has very real consequences. For example, when a community doesn’t vaccinate children because they’re afraid of “toxins” and think that prayer (or diet, exercise, and “clean living”)is enough to prevent infection, outbreakshappen.

“Be skeptical. But when you get proof, accept proof.” –Michael Specter

What constitutes enough proof? Obviously everyone has a different answer to that question. But to form a truly educated opinion on a scientific subject, you need to become familiar with current research in that field.  And to do that, you have toread the “primary research literature” (often just called “the literature”). You might have tried to read scientific papers before and been frustrated by the dense, stilted writing and the unfamiliar jargon. I remember feeling this way!  Reading and understandingresearch papers is a skill which every single doctor and scientist has had to learn during graduate school.  You can learn it too, but like any skill it takes patience and practice.

I want to help people become more scientifically literate, so I wrote this guide for how a layperson can approach reading and understanding a scientific research paper. It’s appropriate for someone who has no background whatsoever in science ormedicine, and based on the assumption that he or she is doing this for the purpose of getting abasic understandingof a paper and deciding whether or not it’s a reputable study.

The type of scientific paper I’m discussing here is referred to as aprimary research article. It’sa peer-reviewed report of new research on a specific question (or questions). Another useful type of publication is a reviewarticle. Review articles are also peer-reviewed, and don’t present new information, but summarize multiple primary research articles, to give a sense of the consensus, debates, and unanswered questions within a field.  (I’m not going to say much moreabout them here, but be cautious about which review articles you read. Remember that they are only a snapshot of the research at the time they are published.  A review article on, say, genome-wide association studies from 2001 is not going to be very informativein 2013. So much research has been done in the intervening years that the field has changed considerably).

Before you begin: some general advice
Reading a scientific paper is a completely different process than reading an article about science in a blog or newspaper. Not only do you read the sections in a different order than they’re presented, but you also have to take notes, read it multiple times,and probably go look up other papers for some of the details. Reading a single paper may take you a very long time at first. Be patient with yourself. The process will go much faster as you gain experience.

Most primary research papers will be divided into the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions/Interpretations/Discussion. The order will depend on which journal it’s published in. Some journals have additionalfiles (called Supplementary Online Information) which contain important details of the research, but are published online instead of in the article itself (make sure you don’t skip these files).

Before you begin reading, take note of the authors and their institutional affiliations. Some institutions (e.g. University of Texas) are well-respected; others (e.g. theDiscovery Institute) may appear to be legitimate research institutions but are actually agenda-driven. Tip:google “Discovery Institute” to see why you don’t want to use it as a scientific authority on evolutionary theory.

Also take note of the journal in which it’s published. Reputable (biomedical) journals will be indexed by Pubmed.[EDIT: Several people have reminded me that non-biomedical journals won't be on Pubmed, and they're absolutely correct!(thanks for catching that, I apologize for being sloppy here). Check outWebof Science for a more complete index of science journals. And please feel free to share other resources in the comments!]   Beware of questionablejournals.

 As you read, write down everysingle word that you don’t understand. You’re going to have to look them all up (yes, every one. I know it’s a total pain. But you won’t understand the paper if you don’t understand the vocabulary. Scientific words have extremelyprecise meanings).

Step-by-step instructions for reading a primary research article

1. Begin by reading the introduction, not the abstract.

The abstract is that dense first paragraph at the very beginning of a paper. In fact, that’s often the only partof a paper that many non-scientists read when they’re trying to build a scientific argument. (This is a terrible practice—don’t do it.).  When I’m choosing papers to read, I decide what’s relevant to my interests based on a combination of the title and abstract.But when I’ve got a collection of papers assembled for deep reading, I always read the abstract last.I do this because abstracts contain a succinct summary of the entire paper, and I’m concerned about inadvertently becoming biased by the authors’ interpretation of the results.

2. Identify the BIG QUESTION.

Not “What is this paper about”, but “What problem is this entire field trying to solve?”

This helps you focus on why this research is being done.  Look closely for evidence of agenda-motivated research.

3. Summarize the background in five sentences or less.

Here are some questions to guide you:

What work has been done before in this field to answer the BIG QUESTION? What are the limitations of that work? What, according to the authors, needs to be done next?

The five sentences part is a little arbitrary, but it forces you to be concise and really think about the context of this research. You need to be able to explain why thisresearch has been done in order to understand it.


What exactly are the authors trying to answer with their research? Theremay be multiple questions, or just one. Write them down.  If it’s the kind of research that tests one or more null hypotheses, identify it/them.

Not sure what a null hypothesis is? Go read this,then go back to my last post and read one of the papers that I linked to (like thisone) and try to identify the null hypotheses in it. Keep in mind that not every paper will test a null hypothesis.

5. Identify the approach

What are the authors going to do to answer the SPECIFIC QUESTION(S)?

 6.Now read the methods section. Draw a diagram for each experiment, showing exactly what the authors did.

I mean literally draw it. Include as much detail as you need to fully understand the work.  As an example, here is what I drew to sort out the methods for a paper I read today (Battagliaet al. 2013: “The first peopling of South America: New evidence from Y-chromosome haplogroup Q”). This is much less detail than you’d probably need, because it’s a paper in my specialty and I use these methods all the time.  But if you were reading this,and didn’t happen to know what “process data with reduced-median method using Network” means, you’d need to look that up.

Battaglia et al. methods

You don’t need to understand the methods in enough detail to replicate the experiment—that’s something reviewershave to do—but you’re not ready to move on to the results until you can explain the basics of the methods to someone else.

7. Readthe results section. Write one or more paragraphs to summarize the results for each experiment, each figure, and each table. Don’t yet try to decide what the results mean,just write down what they are.

You’ll find that, particularly in good papers, the majority of the results are summarized in the figures and tables. Pay careful attention to them!  You may also need to go to the Supplementary Online Information file to find some of the results.

 It is at this point where difficulties can arise if statistical tests are employed in the paper and you don’t have enough of a background to understand them. I can’t teach you stats in this post, but here, here,and here aresome basic resources to help you.  I STRONGLY advise you to become familiar with them.


-Any time the words “significant” or “non-significant”are used. These have precise statistical meanings. Read more about this here.

-If there are graphs, do they have errorbars on them? For certain types of studies, a lack of confidence intervals is a major red flag.

-The sample size. Has the study been conducted on 10, or 10,000 people? (For some research purposes, a sample size of 10 is sufficient, but for most studies larger is better).

8. Do the results answer the SPECIFIC QUESTION(S)? What do you think they mean?

Don’t move on until you have thought about this. It’s okay to change your mind in light of the authors’ interpretation—in fact you probably will if you’re still a beginner at this kind of analysis—but it’s a reallygood habit to start forming your own interpretations before you read those of others.

9. Read the conclusion/discussion/Interpretation section.

What do the authors think the results mean?Do you agree with them? Can you come up with any alternative wayof interpreting them? Do the authors identify any weaknesses in their own study? Do you see any that the authors missed? (Don’t assume they’re infallible!) What do they propose to do as a next step? Do you agree with that?

10. Now, go back to the beginning and read the abstract.

Does it match what the authors said in the paper? Does it fit with your interpretation of the paper?

11. FINAL STEP: (Don’t neglect doing this) Whatdo other researchers say about this paper?

Who are the (acknowledged or self-proclaimed) experts in this particular field? Do they have criticisms of the study that you haven’t thought of, or do they generally support it?

Here’s a place where I do recommend you use google! But do it last, so you are better prepared to think critically about what other people say.

(12. This step may be optional for you, depending on why you’re reading a particular paper. But for me, it’s critical! I go through the “Literature cited” section to see what other papers the authors cited. This allows me to better identify theimportant papers in a particular field, see if the authors cited my own papers (KIDDING!….mostly), and find sources of useful ideas or techniques.)

Now brace for more conflict– next week we’re going to use this method to go through a paper on a controversial subject! Which one would you like to do? Shall we critique one of the papers I posted last week?

UPDATE: If you would like to see an example, you can find one here

I gratefully acknowledge my professor Bill Saxton and my undergraduate research mentor José Bonner for teaching me how to critically read and analyze scientific papers.

Do you have anything to add to this guide? A completely different approach that you think is better?  Additionalquestions?  Links to other resources? Please share in the comments!




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    原标题:丽彦妆\医用面膜\冷敷贴轻奢医学护肤引导者【公司简介】 广州华彬企业隶属香港华彬集团有限公司,专注美业21年,其旗下品牌: 「圣茵美」私密荷尔蒙抗衰,产后修复 「圣仪轩」私密荷尔蒙抗衰,产后修复 「花茵莳」私密荷尔蒙抗衰,产后修复 「丽彦妆」专注医学护…...

    2024/5/4 23:54:58
  23. 广州械字号面膜生产厂家OEM/ODM4项须知!

    原标题:广州械字号面膜生产厂家OEM/ODM4项须知!广州械字号面膜生产厂家OEM/ODM流程及注意事项解读: 械字号医用面膜,其实在我国并没有严格的定义,通常我们说的医美面膜指的应该是一种「医用敷料」,也就是说,医用面膜其实算作「医疗器械」的一种,又称「医用冷敷贴」。 …...

    2024/5/6 21:42:42
  24. 械字号医用眼膜缓解用眼过度到底有无作用?

    原标题:械字号医用眼膜缓解用眼过度到底有无作用?医用眼膜/械字号眼膜/医用冷敷眼贴 凝胶层为亲水高分子材料,含70%以上的水分。体表皮肤温度传导到本产品的凝胶层,热量被凝胶内水分子吸收,通过水分的蒸发带走大量的热量,可迅速地降低体表皮肤局部温度,减轻局部皮肤的灼…...

    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  25. 配置失败还原请勿关闭计算机,电脑开机屏幕上面显示,配置失败还原更改 请勿关闭计算机 开不了机 这个问题怎么办...


    2022/11/19 21:17:18
  26. 错误使用 reshape要执行 RESHAPE,请勿更改元素数目。

    %读入6幅图像&#xff08;每一幅图像的大小是564*564&#xff09; f1 imread(WashingtonDC_Band1_564.tif); subplot(3,2,1),imshow(f1); f2 imread(WashingtonDC_Band2_564.tif); subplot(3,2,2),imshow(f2); f3 imread(WashingtonDC_Band3_564.tif); subplot(3,2,3),imsho…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:16
  27. 配置 已完成 请勿关闭计算机,win7系统关机提示“配置Windows Update已完成30%请勿关闭计算机...

    win7系统关机提示“配置Windows Update已完成30%请勿关闭计算机”问题的解决方法在win7系统关机时如果有升级系统的或者其他需要会直接进入一个 等待界面&#xff0c;在等待界面中我们需要等待操作结束才能关机&#xff0c;虽然这比较麻烦&#xff0c;但是对系统进行配置和升级…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:15
  28. 台式电脑显示配置100%请勿关闭计算机,“准备配置windows 请勿关闭计算机”的解决方法...


    2022/11/19 21:17:14
  29. win7 正在配置 请勿关闭计算机,怎么办Win7开机显示正在配置Windows Update请勿关机...

    置信有很多用户都跟小编一样遇到过这样的问题&#xff0c;电脑时发现开机屏幕显现“正在配置Windows Update&#xff0c;请勿关机”(如下图所示)&#xff0c;而且还需求等大约5分钟才干进入系统。这是怎样回事呢&#xff1f;一切都是正常操作的&#xff0c;为什么开时机呈现“正…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:13
  30. 准备配置windows 请勿关闭计算机 蓝屏,Win7开机总是出现提示“配置Windows请勿关机”...


    2022/11/19 21:17:12
  31. 准备windows请勿关闭计算机要多久,windows10系统提示正在准备windows请勿关闭计算机怎么办...


    2022/11/19 21:17:11
  32. 配置 已完成 请勿关闭计算机,win7系统关机提示“配置Windows Update已完成30%请勿关闭计算机”的解决方法...

    今天和大家分享一下win7系统重装了Win7旗舰版系统后&#xff0c;每次关机的时候桌面上都会显示一个“配置Windows Update的界面&#xff0c;提示请勿关闭计算机”&#xff0c;每次停留好几分钟才能正常关机&#xff0c;导致什么情况引起的呢&#xff1f;出现配置Windows Update…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:10
  33. 电脑桌面一直是清理请关闭计算机,windows7一直卡在清理 请勿关闭计算机-win7清理请勿关机,win7配置更新35%不动...

    只能是等着&#xff0c;别无他法。说是卡着如果你看硬盘灯应该在读写。如果从 Win 10 无法正常回滚&#xff0c;只能是考虑备份数据后重装系统了。解决来方案一&#xff1a;管理员运行cmd&#xff1a;net stop WuAuServcd %windir%ren SoftwareDistribution SDoldnet start WuA…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:09
  34. 计算机配置更新不起,电脑提示“配置Windows Update请勿关闭计算机”怎么办?

    原标题&#xff1a;电脑提示“配置Windows Update请勿关闭计算机”怎么办&#xff1f;win7系统中在开机与关闭的时候总是显示“配置windows update请勿关闭计算机”相信有不少朋友都曾遇到过一次两次还能忍但经常遇到就叫人感到心烦了遇到这种问题怎么办呢&#xff1f;一般的方…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:08
  35. 计算机正在配置无法关机,关机提示 windows7 正在配置windows 请勿关闭计算机 ,然后等了一晚上也没有关掉。现在电脑无法正常关机...

    关机提示 windows7 正在配置windows 请勿关闭计算机 &#xff0c;然后等了一晚上也没有关掉。现在电脑无法正常关机以下文字资料是由(历史新知网小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容&#xff0c;让我们赶快一起来看一下吧&#xff01;关机提示 windows7 正在配…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:05
  36. 钉钉提示请勿通过开发者调试模式_钉钉请勿通过开发者调试模式是真的吗好不好用...

    钉钉请勿通过开发者调试模式是真的吗好不好用 更新时间:2020-04-20 22:24:19 浏览次数:729次 区域: 南阳 > 卧龙 列举网提醒您:为保障您的权益,请不要提前支付任何费用! 虚拟位置外设器!!轨迹模拟&虚拟位置外设神器 专业用于:钉钉,外勤365,红圈通,企业微信和…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:05
  37. 配置失败还原请勿关闭计算机怎么办,win7系统出现“配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机”,长时间没反应,无法进入系统的解决方案...

    前几天班里有位学生电脑(windows 7系统)出问题了&#xff0c;具体表现是开机时一直停留在“配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机”这个界面&#xff0c;长时间没反应&#xff0c;无法进入系统。这个问题原来帮其他同学也解决过&#xff0c;网上搜了不少资料&#x…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:04
  38. 一个电脑无法关闭计算机你应该怎么办,电脑显示“清理请勿关闭计算机”怎么办?...

    本文为你提供了3个有效解决电脑显示“清理请勿关闭计算机”问题的方法&#xff0c;并在最后教给你1种保护系统安全的好方法&#xff0c;一起来看看&#xff01;电脑出现“清理请勿关闭计算机”在Windows 7(SP1)和Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1中&#xff0c;添加了1个新功能在“磁…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:03
  39. 请勿关闭计算机还原更改要多久,电脑显示:配置windows更新失败,正在还原更改,请勿关闭计算机怎么办...


    2022/11/19 21:17:02
  40. 还原更改请勿关闭计算机 要多久,配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机,电脑开机后一直显示以...

    配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机&#xff0c;电脑开机后一直显示以以下文字资料是由(历史新知网小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容&#xff0c;让我们赶快一起来看一下吧&#xff01;配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机&#x…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:01
  41. 电脑配置中请勿关闭计算机怎么办,准备配置windows请勿关闭计算机一直显示怎么办【图解】...


    2022/11/19 21:17:00
  42. 正在准备配置请勿关闭计算机,正在准备配置windows请勿关闭计算机时间长了解决教程...


    2022/11/19 21:16:59
  43. 配置失败还原请勿关闭计算机,配置Windows Update失败,还原更改请勿关闭计算机...

    我们使用电脑的过程中有时会遇到这种情况&#xff0c;当我们打开电脑之后&#xff0c;发现一直停留在一个界面&#xff1a;“配置Windows Update失败&#xff0c;还原更改请勿关闭计算机”&#xff0c;等了许久还是无法进入系统。如果我们遇到此类问题应该如何解决呢&#xff0…...

    2022/11/19 21:16:58
  44. 如何在iPhone上关闭“请勿打扰”

    Apple’s “Do Not Disturb While Driving” is a potentially lifesaving iPhone feature, but it doesn’t always turn on automatically at the appropriate time. For example, you might be a passenger in a moving car, but your iPhone may think you’re the one dri…...

    2022/11/19 21:16:57