视频里 Andrej Karpathy上课的时候说,这次的作业meaty but educational,确实很meaty,作业一般是由.ipynb文件和.py文件组成,这次因为每个.ipynb文件涉及到的.py文件较多,且互相之间有交叉,所以每篇博客只贴出一个.ipynb或者一个.py文件.(因为之前的作业由于是一个.ipynb文件对应一个.py文件,所以就整合到一篇博客里)

Batch Normalization

One way to make deep networks easier to train is to use more sophisticated optimization procedures such as SGD+momentum, RMSProp, or Adam. Another strategy is to change the architecture of the network to make it easier to train. One idea along these lines is batch normalization which was recently proposed by [3].

The idea is relatively straightforward. Machine learning methods tend to work better when their input data consists of uncorrelated features with zero mean and unit variance. When training a neural network, we can preprocess the data before feeding it to the network to explicitly decorrelate its features; this will ensure that the first layer of the network sees data that follows a nice distribution. However even if we preprocess the input data, the activations at deeper layers of the network will likely no longer be decorrelated and will no longer have zero mean or unit variance since they are output from earlier layers in the network. Even worse, during the training process the distribution of features at each layer of the network will shift as the weights of each layer are updated.

The authors of [3] hypothesize that the shifting distribution of features inside deep neural networks may make training deep networks more difficult. To overcome this problem, [3] proposes to insert batch normalization layers into the network. At training time, a batch normalization layer uses a minibatch of data to estimate the mean and standard deviation of each feature. These estimated means and standard deviations are then used to center and normalize the features of the minibatch. A running average of these means and standard deviations is kept during training, and at test time these running averages are used to center and normalize features.

It is possible that this normalization strategy could reduce the representational power of the network, since it may sometimes be optimal for certain layers to have features that are not zero-mean or unit variance. To this end, the batch normalization layer includes learnable shift and scale parameters for each feature dimension.

[3] Sergey Ioffe and Christian Szegedy, “Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing
Internal Covariate Shift”, ICML 2015.

# As usual, a bit of setupimport time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cs231n.classifiers.fc_net import *
from cs231n.data_utils import get_CIFAR10_data
from cs231n.gradient_check import eval_numerical_gradient, eval_numerical_gradient_array
from cs231n.solver import Solver%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0) # set default size of plots
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'# for auto-reloading external modules
# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1907993/autoreload-of-modules-in-ipython
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2def rel_error(x, y):""" returns relative error """return np.max(np.abs(x - y) / (np.maximum(1e-8, np.abs(x) + np.abs(y))))
# Load the (preprocessed) CIFAR10 data.data = get_CIFAR10_data()
for k, v in data.iteritems():print '%s: ' % k, v.shape
X_val:  (1000, 3, 32, 32)
X_train:  (49000, 3, 32, 32)
X_test:  (1000, 3, 32, 32)
y_val:  (1000,)
y_train:  (49000,)
y_test:  (1000,)

Batch normalization: Forward

In the file cs231n/layers.py, implement the batch normalization forward pass in the function batchnorm_forward. Once you have done so, run the following to test your implementation.

# Check the training-time forward pass by checking means and variances
# of features both before and after batch normalization# Simulate the forward pass for a two-layer network
N, D1, D2, D3 = 200, 50, 60, 3
X = np.random.randn(N, D1)
W1 = np.random.randn(D1, D2)
W2 = np.random.randn(D2, D3)
a = np.maximum(0, X.dot(W1)).dot(W2)print 'Before batch normalization:'
print '  means: ', a.mean(axis=0)
print '  stds: ', a.std(axis=0)# Means should be close to zero and stds close to one
print 'After batch normalization (gamma=1, beta=0)'
a_norm, _ = batchnorm_forward(a, np.ones(D3), np.zeros(D3), {'mode': 'train'})
print '  mean: ', a_norm.mean(axis=0)
print '  std: ', a_norm.std(axis=0)# Now means should be close to beta and stds close to gamma
gamma = np.asarray([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
beta = np.asarray([11.0, 12.0, 13.0])
a_norm, _ = batchnorm_forward(a, gamma, beta, {'mode': 'train'})
print 'After batch normalization (nontrivial gamma, beta)'
print '  means: ', a_norm.mean(axis=0)
print '  stds: ', a_norm.std(axis=0)
Before batch normalization:means:  [  9.04084554  -3.17680015  45.84413457]stds:  [ 28.18965752  31.76172365  30.78152211]
After batch normalization (gamma=1, beta=0)mean:  [ -5.96744876e-18  -1.48492330e-17  -3.33066907e-17]std:  [ 0.99999999  1.          0.99999999]
After batch normalization (nontrivial gamma, beta)means:  [ 11.  12.  13.]stds:  [ 0.99999999  1.99999999  2.99999998]
# Check the test-time forward pass by running the training-time
# forward pass many times to warm up the running averages, and then
# checking the means and variances of activations after a test-time
# forward pass.N, D1, D2, D3 = 200, 50, 60, 3
W1 = np.random.randn(D1, D2)
W2 = np.random.randn(D2, D3)bn_param = {'mode': 'train'}
gamma = np.ones(D3)
beta = np.zeros(D3)
for t in xrange(50):X = np.random.randn(N, D1)a = np.maximum(0, X.dot(W1)).dot(W2)batchnorm_forward(a, gamma, beta, bn_param)
bn_param['mode'] = 'test'
X = np.random.randn(N, D1)
a = np.maximum(0, X.dot(W1)).dot(W2)
a_norm, _ = batchnorm_forward(a, gamma, beta, bn_param)# Means should be close to zero and stds close to one, but will be
# noisier than training-time forward passes.
print 'After batch normalization (test-time):'
print '  means: ', a_norm.mean(axis=0)
print '  stds: ', a_norm.std(axis=0)
After batch normalization (test-time):means:  [-0.11572037  0.00564579 -0.04738633]stds:  [ 0.96048774  0.93115169  0.88629565]

Batch Normalization: backward

Now implement the backward pass for batch normalization in the function batchnorm_backward.

To derive the backward pass you should write out the computation graph for batch normalization and backprop through each of the intermediate nodes. Some intermediates may have multiple outgoing branches; make sure to sum gradients across these branches in the backward pass.

Once you have finished, run the following to numerically check your backward pass.

# Gradient check batchnorm backward pass
# 一开始把dx求导想简单了,仔细看了计算公式才算对,一同学习的小伙伴注意这一点
# 非常详细的文章:
# https://kratzert.github.io/2016/02/12/understanding-the-gradient-flow-through-the-batch-normalization-layer.html
N, D = 4, 5
x = 5 * np.random.randn(N, D) + 12
gamma = np.random.randn(D)
beta = np.random.randn(D)
dout = np.random.randn(N, D)bn_param = {'mode': 'train'}
fx = lambda x: batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, bn_param)[0]
fg = lambda a: batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, bn_param)[0]
fb = lambda b: batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, bn_param)[0]dx_num = eval_numerical_gradient_array(fx, x, dout)
da_num = eval_numerical_gradient_array(fg, gamma, dout)
db_num = eval_numerical_gradient_array(fb, beta, dout)_, cache = batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, bn_param)
dx, dgamma, dbeta = batchnorm_backward(dout, cache)#print "dx\n",dx, "\n\ndx_num\n",dx_numprint 'dx error: ', rel_error(dx_num, dx)
print 'dgamma error: ', rel_error(da_num, dgamma)
print 'dbeta error: ', rel_error(db_num, dbeta)
dx error:  1.51270448054e-09
dgamma error:  1.17116986498e-10
dbeta error:  3.69406375577e-12

Batch Normalization: alternative backward

In class we talked about two different implementations for the sigmoid backward pass. One strategy is to write out a computation graph composed of simple operations and backprop through all intermediate values. Another strategy is to work out the derivatives on paper. For the sigmoid function, it turns out that you can derive a very simple formula for the backward pass by simplifying gradients on paper.

Surprisingly, it turns out that you can also derive a simple expression for the batch normalization backward pass if you work out derivatives on paper and simplify. After doing so, implement the simplified batch normalization backward pass in the function batchnorm_backward_alt and compare the two implementations by running the following. Your two implementations should compute nearly identical results, but the alternative implementation should be a bit faster.

NOTE: You can still complete the rest of the assignment if you don’t figure this part out, so don’t worry too much if you can’t get it.

N, D = 100, 500
x = 5 * np.random.randn(N, D) + 12
gamma = np.random.randn(D)
beta = np.random.randn(D)
dout = np.random.randn(N, D)bn_param = {'mode': 'train'}
out, cache = batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, bn_param)t1 = time.time()
dx1, dgamma1, dbeta1 = batchnorm_backward(dout, cache)
t2 = time.time()
dx2, dgamma2, dbeta2 = batchnorm_backward_alt(dout, cache)
t3 = time.time()print 'dx difference: ', rel_error(dx1, dx2)
print 'dgamma difference: ', rel_error(dgamma1, dgamma2)
print 'dbeta difference: ', rel_error(dbeta1, dbeta2)
print 'speedup: %.2fx' % ((t2 - t1) / (t3 - t2))
dx difference:  5.82325769318e-13
dgamma difference:  0.0
dbeta difference:  0.0
speedup: 2.09x

Fully Connected Nets with Batch Normalization

Now that you have a working implementation for batch normalization, go back to your FullyConnectedNet in the file cs2312n/classifiers/fc_net.py. Modify your implementation to add batch normalization.

Concretely, when the flag use_batchnorm is True in the constructor, you should insert a batch normalization layer before each ReLU nonlinearity. The outputs from the last layer of the network should not be normalized. Once you are done, run the following to gradient-check your implementation.

HINT: You might find it useful to define an additional helper layer similar to those in the file cs231n/layer_utils.py. If you decide to do so, do it in the file cs231n/classifiers/fc_net.py.

N, D, H1, H2, C = 2, 15, 20, 30, 10
X = np.random.randn(N, D)
y = np.random.randint(C, size=(N,))for reg in [0, 3.14]:print 'Running check with reg = ', regmodel = FullyConnectedNet([H1, H2], input_dim=D, num_classes=C,reg=reg, weight_scale=5e-2, dtype=np.float64,use_batchnorm=True)loss, grads = model.loss(X, y)print 'Initial loss: ', lossfor name in sorted(grads):f = lambda _: model.loss(X, y)[0]grad_num = eval_numerical_gradient(f, model.params[name], verbose=False, h=1e-5)print '%s relative error: %.2e' % (name, rel_error(grad_num, grads[name]))if reg == 0: print
Running check with reg =  0
Initial loss:  2.37312206472
W1 relative error: 3.55e-04
W2 relative error: 4.63e-06
W3 relative error: 4.20e-09
b1 relative error: 8.74e-08
b2 relative error: 2.07e-07
b3 relative error: 1.66e-10
beta1 relative error: 1.09e-08
beta2 relative error: 3.66e-09
gamma1 relative error: 3.24e-08
gamma2 relative error: 9.31e-09Running check with reg =  3.14
Initial loss:  6.51528528024
W1 relative error: 2.89e-06
W2 relative error: 3.09e-06
W3 relative error: 6.43e-08
b1 relative error: 8.88e-03
b2 relative error: 4.00e-07
b3 relative error: 3.66e-10
beta1 relative error: 1.49e-09
beta2 relative error: 1.38e-08
gamma1 relative error: 3.30e-09
gamma2 relative error: 3.12e-08

Batchnorm for deep networks

Run the following to train a six-layer network on a subset of 1000 training examples both with and without batch normalization.

# Try training a very deep net with batchnorm
hidden_dims = [100, 100, 100, 100, 100]num_train = 1000
small_data = {'X_train': data['X_train'][:num_train],'y_train': data['y_train'][:num_train],'X_val': data['X_val'],'y_val': data['y_val'],
}weight_scale = 2e-2
bn_model = FullyConnectedNet(hidden_dims, weight_scale=weight_scale, use_batchnorm=True)
model = FullyConnectedNet(hidden_dims, weight_scale=weight_scale, use_batchnorm=False)bn_solver = Solver(bn_model, small_data,num_epochs=10, batch_size=50,update_rule='adam',optim_config={'learning_rate': 1e-3,},verbose=True, print_every=200)
bn_solver.train()solver = Solver(model, small_data,num_epochs=10, batch_size=50,update_rule='adam',optim_config={'learning_rate': 1e-3,},verbose=True, print_every=200)
(Iteration 1 / 200) loss: 2.333149
(Epoch 0 / 10) train acc: 0.128000; val_acc: 0.141000
(Epoch 1 / 10) train acc: 0.351000; val_acc: 0.301000
(Epoch 2 / 10) train acc: 0.398000; val_acc: 0.301000
(Epoch 3 / 10) train acc: 0.509000; val_acc: 0.300000
(Epoch 4 / 10) train acc: 0.532000; val_acc: 0.324000
(Epoch 5 / 10) train acc: 0.595000; val_acc: 0.348000
(Epoch 6 / 10) train acc: 0.638000; val_acc: 0.335000
(Epoch 7 / 10) train acc: 0.648000; val_acc: 0.317000
(Epoch 8 / 10) train acc: 0.729000; val_acc: 0.343000
(Epoch 9 / 10) train acc: 0.745000; val_acc: 0.338000
(Epoch 10 / 10) train acc: 0.772000; val_acc: 0.322000
(Iteration 1 / 200) loss: 2.302505
(Epoch 0 / 10) train acc: 0.117000; val_acc: 0.094000
(Epoch 1 / 10) train acc: 0.194000; val_acc: 0.190000
(Epoch 2 / 10) train acc: 0.284000; val_acc: 0.256000
(Epoch 3 / 10) train acc: 0.369000; val_acc: 0.293000
(Epoch 4 / 10) train acc: 0.412000; val_acc: 0.287000
(Epoch 5 / 10) train acc: 0.425000; val_acc: 0.288000
(Epoch 6 / 10) train acc: 0.473000; val_acc: 0.297000
(Epoch 7 / 10) train acc: 0.529000; val_acc: 0.317000
(Epoch 8 / 10) train acc: 0.557000; val_acc: 0.315000
(Epoch 9 / 10) train acc: 0.650000; val_acc: 0.338000
(Epoch 10 / 10) train acc: 0.668000; val_acc: 0.312000

Run the following to visualize the results from two networks trained above. You should find that using batch normalization helps the network to converge much faster.

plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.title('Training loss')
plt.xlabel('Iteration')plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.title('Training accuracy')
plt.xlabel('Epoch')plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.title('Validation accuracy')
plt.xlabel('Epoch')plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(solver.loss_history, 'o', label='baseline')
plt.plot(bn_solver.loss_history, 'o', label='batchnorm')plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.plot(solver.train_acc_history, '-o', label='baseline')
plt.plot(bn_solver.train_acc_history, '-o', label='batchnorm')plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.plot(solver.val_acc_history, '-o', label='baseline')
plt.plot(bn_solver.val_acc_history, '-o', label='batchnorm')for i in [1, 2, 3]:plt.subplot(3, 1, i)plt.legend(loc='upper center', ncol=4)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(15, 15)


Batch normalization and initialization

We will now run a small experiment to study the interaction of batch normalization and weight initialization.

The first cell will train 8-layer networks both with and without batch normalization using different scales for weight initialization. The second layer will plot training accuracy, validation set accuracy, and training loss as a function of the weight initialization scale.

# Try training a very deep net with batchnorm
hidden_dims = [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50]num_train = 1000
small_data = {'X_train': data['X_train'][:num_train],'y_train': data['y_train'][:num_train],'X_val': data['X_val'],'y_val': data['y_val'],
}bn_solvers = {}
solvers = {}
weight_scales = np.logspace(-4, 0, num=20)
for i, weight_scale in enumerate(weight_scales):print 'Running weight scale %d / %d' % (i + 1, len(weight_scales))bn_model = FullyConnectedNet(hidden_dims, weight_scale=weight_scale, use_batchnorm=True)model = FullyConnectedNet(hidden_dims, weight_scale=weight_scale, use_batchnorm=False)bn_solver = Solver(bn_model, small_data,num_epochs=10, batch_size=50,update_rule='adam',optim_config={'learning_rate': 1e-3,},verbose=False, print_every=200)bn_solver.train()bn_solvers[weight_scale] = bn_solversolver = Solver(model, small_data,num_epochs=10, batch_size=50,update_rule='adam',optim_config={'learning_rate': 1e-3,},verbose=False, print_every=200)solver.train()solvers[weight_scale] = solver
Running weight scale 1 / 20
Running weight scale 2 / 20
Running weight scale 3 / 20
Running weight scale 4 / 20
Running weight scale 5 / 20
Running weight scale 6 / 20
Running weight scale 7 / 20
Running weight scale 8 / 20
Running weight scale 9 / 20
Running weight scale 10 / 20
Running weight scale 11 / 20
Running weight scale 12 / 20
Running weight scale 13 / 20
Running weight scale 14 / 20
Running weight scale 15 / 20
Running weight scale 16 / 20cs231n/layers.py:588: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in logloss = -np.sum(np.log(probs[np.arange(N), y])) / NRunning weight scale 17 / 20
Running weight scale 18 / 20
Running weight scale 19 / 20
Running weight scale 20 / 20
# Plot results of weight scale experiment
best_train_accs, bn_best_train_accs = [], []
best_val_accs, bn_best_val_accs = [], []
final_train_loss, bn_final_train_loss = [], []for ws in weight_scales:best_train_accs.append(max(solvers[ws].train_acc_history))bn_best_train_accs.append(max(bn_solvers[ws].train_acc_history))best_val_accs.append(max(solvers[ws].val_acc_history))bn_best_val_accs.append(max(bn_solvers[ws].val_acc_history))final_train_loss.append(np.mean(solvers[ws].loss_history[-100:]))bn_final_train_loss.append(np.mean(bn_solvers[ws].loss_history[-100:]))plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.title('Best val accuracy vs weight initialization scale')
plt.xlabel('Weight initialization scale')
plt.ylabel('Best val accuracy')
plt.semilogx(weight_scales, best_val_accs, '-o', label='baseline')
plt.semilogx(weight_scales, bn_best_val_accs, '-o', label='batchnorm')
plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='lower right')plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.title('Best train accuracy vs weight initialization scale')
plt.xlabel('Weight initialization scale')
plt.ylabel('Best training accuracy')
plt.semilogx(weight_scales, best_train_accs, '-o', label='baseline')
plt.semilogx(weight_scales, bn_best_train_accs, '-o', label='batchnorm')
plt.legend()plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.title('Final training loss vs weight initialization scale')
plt.xlabel('Weight initialization scale')
plt.ylabel('Final training loss')
plt.semilogx(weight_scales, final_train_loss, '-o', label='baseline')
plt.semilogx(weight_scales, bn_final_train_loss, '-o', label='batchnorm')
plt.legend()plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 15)



Describe the results of this experiment, and try to give a reason why the experiment gave the results that it did.


过小weight scale很容易会让后面的激活值衰减到0,导致每一层的输出值都一样,capacity能力下降,同理过大的weight scale会使激活值迅速饱和,变为-1和1,所以weight scale必须要选的恰当才能让训练继续下去,从图一可以看到baseline的可训练范围比较小,不适当的weight scale初始化的结果是最终的准确率只比随机猜的准确率高了一点.
Batch normalization人为的将每一层的输出先变为均值为0方差为1的分布,然后再从这个分布缩放和平移到其该有的分布,可以抑制因为初始化不当造成的衰减和饱和.使网络结构不会过于对称,各神经元的输入输出都一样,造成的网络capacity下降.



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  9. .net 中 前台aspx页面调用后台.cs文件中的变量

    定义全局变量 在Page_load上面写 public string Url;后台代码: public partial class WebForm2 : System.Web.UI.Page{public string GetVariableStr;//注意变量的修饰符protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){if (!IsPostBack){GetVariableStr = "hello…...

    2024/4/14 22:53:40
  10. Windows环境下搭建React Native

    随着移动开发越来越火热,前端开发也是有之前11年一直火热到现在,不过我发现从去年年底开发,Android和ios基本已经饱和了,特别是随着广大开源社区的中很多人贡献代码,开发已经不是什么问题了,所以现在好多公司招聘 都要求3年以上工作经验的,无外乎好多培训班出来的会写一…...

    2024/4/14 22:53:39
  11. 晚祈祷之二 梁宗岱 ------呈敏慧

    我独自地站在篱边主呵, 在这暮霭的茫味中湿软的影儿恬静地来去牧羊儿正开始他野蔷薇的幽梦我独自地站在这里悔恨而沉思着我狂热的从前痴妄地采撷世界的花朵我只含泪地期待着----祈望有幽微的片红给春暮阑珊的东风不轻意地吹倒我的面前虔诚地,轻谧地在黄昏星忏悔的温光中完成我…...

    2024/5/7 19:36:36
  12. win7下安装MySQL和myODBC

    想在win7下使用ASP调用MySQL,没想到搭建MySQL就花费了一天多的时间。 下面把步骤记下来,以后可能还会用到。 首先是下载MySQL这个直接官网上下载就行了。安装流程就是一路下一步就好。 现在开始安装myodbc,官网上的最新版本我安不了,这里使用的是5.1.13的版本。 下载地址:…...

    2024/5/7 12:54:43
  13. android手机使用完整的linux命令——busybox的安装和使用

    1.. 先要把手机给Root了,具体教程这里就不提供了,网上有很多。2. 下载BusyBox的binary,打开这个地址 http://www.busybox.net/downloads/binaries ,选择最新版本,然后下载对应你的设备架构的版本,这里我下载了busybox-armv6l,下面将以这个文件名为示例。3.将busybox-arm…...

    2024/5/7 20:18:21
  14. VS2008(C#)制作网页Tab标签切换方法(三)

    VS2008(C#)制作网页Tab标签切换方法(三)——CS后台代码实现前台HTML代码: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Tab_CS.aspx.cs" Inherits="Tab_Tab_CS" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DT…...

    2024/5/7 14:30:26
  15. 16进制数之间的加减法

    16位进制加减运算举例: 3D25H - 05C3H = 3762H3D25 -05C35-3=2 2-C=2-12 = (16+2-12) = 6 (由于2-12不够减,所以向前借1 即16) D-5=(13-1-5) = 7(13-1是因为2-12不够而被借走了一位) 3-0=3 结果为:3762H用十进制时向前借1位就是借10,而在16进制里向前借1就是借163762H+05C3H…...

    2024/4/14 22:53:38
  16. HTML 6 规范预测(W3C HTML 6 Specifications Predictions)

    HTML 6 规范预测(W3C HTML 6 Specifications Predictions)HTML 6 规范预测(W3C HTML 6 Specifications Predictions)作者:曹志士日期: 2009-7-8 联系方式: Anewczs@gmail.com看到不少HTML 5方面的资料,嗯,的确,HTML 5大快人心!我已经亲手体验过它的魅力了。但还有如下几…...

    2024/4/14 22:53:37
  17. Java中为啥要使用16进制

    最近做项目中遇到了大量的byte数据、运算符操作、16进制字符串转byte数组等等关于位的操作,其中就遇到了很多16进制的数据,就想,为啥子要用16进制呢? 1、十六进制在可能牵扯到位操作的时候,更加直观,因为一个数字代表4位二进制0或1 例如 0x02 相当于 00000010 ,而十进制…...

    2024/4/18 9:48:07
  18. Tomcat的启动、关闭、定时重启tomcat的批处理命令脚本

    原版出处:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36379495/article/details/80604345tomcat 批处理脚本命令(jdk和tomcat路径修改为自己的)tomcat启动:首先创建一个tomcat open.bat文件,内容如下set JAVA_HOME=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_17 set CATALINA_HOME=D:\tools\tomcat\e…...

    2024/4/19 11:35:47
  19. linux环境安装部署RF+Jenkins+Git(非完整版)


    2024/4/14 22:53:34
  20. birt java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/tidy/Tidy

    前段时间做birt集成开发,遇到一个问题,报表始终不能正确生成 日志如下: org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.EngineException: Error happened while running the report.at org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.impl.RunAndRenderTask.doRun(RunAndRenderTask.java:180)at…...

    2024/4/14 22:53:33


  1. 《Fundamentals of Power Electronics》——隔离型CUK转换器、

    以下是隔离型CUK转换器的相关知识点&#xff1a; Cuk电路的隔离型版本获得方式不同。基础非隔离型Cuk电路如下图所示。 将上图中电容C1分成两个串联的电容C1a和C1b&#xff0c;得到结果如下图所示。 在两个电容之间插入一个变压器&#xff0c;得到如下图所示电路。 变压器极性…...

    2024/5/8 2:50:37
  2. 梯度消失和梯度爆炸的一些处理方法

    在这里是记录一下梯度消失或梯度爆炸的一些处理技巧。全当学习总结了如有错误还请留言&#xff0c;在此感激不尽。 权重和梯度的更新公式如下&#xff1a; w w − η ⋅ ∇ w w w - \eta \cdot \nabla w ww−η⋅∇w 个人通俗的理解梯度消失就是网络模型在反向求导的时候出…...

    2024/5/7 10:36:02
  3. 华为OD机试 - 跳马(Java JS Python C C++)

    须知 哈喽,本题库完全免费,收费是为了防止被爬,大家订阅专栏后可以私信联系退款。感谢支持 文章目录 须知题目描述输入描述输出描述解题思路:题目描述 马是象棋(包括中国象棋和国际象棋)中的棋子,走法是每步直一格再斜一格,即先横着或者直者走一格,然后再斜着走一个…...

    2024/5/3 4:50:16
  4. 01背包问题 小明的背包

    2.小明的背包1 - 蓝桥云课 (lanqiao.cn) #include <bits/stdc.h> using namespace std; const int N1010;//开始写的105 开小了 样例过了但最后只过了很少一部分 int n,m; int v[N],w[N]; int f[N][N];int main() {cin>>n>>m;for(int i1;i<n;i){cin>&…...

    2024/5/5 8:41:06
  5. 【干货】零售商的商品规划策略


    2024/5/5 12:33:12
  6. 【外汇早评】美通胀数据走低,美元调整


    2024/5/7 5:50:09
  7. 【原油贵金属周评】原油多头拥挤,价格调整


    2024/5/7 9:45:25
  8. 【外汇周评】靓丽非农不及疲软通胀影响

    原标题:【外汇周评】靓丽非农不及疲软通胀影响在刚结束的周五,美国方面公布了新一期的非农就业数据,大幅好于前值和预期,新增就业重新回到20万以上。具体数据: 美国4月非农就业人口变动 26.3万人,预期 19万人,前值 19.6万人。 美国4月失业率 3.6%,预期 3.8%,前值 3…...

    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  9. 【原油贵金属早评】库存继续增加,油价收跌


    2024/5/7 14:25:14
  10. 【外汇早评】日本央行会议纪要不改日元强势


    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  11. 【原油贵金属早评】欧佩克稳定市场,填补伊朗问题的影响


    2024/5/4 23:55:05
  12. 【外汇早评】美欲与伊朗重谈协议


    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  13. 【原油贵金属早评】波动率飙升,市场情绪动荡


    2024/5/7 11:36:39
  14. 【原油贵金属周评】伊朗局势升温,黄金多头跃跃欲试


    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  15. 【原油贵金属早评】市场情绪继续恶化,黄金上破


    2024/5/6 1:40:42
  16. 【外汇早评】美伊僵持,风险情绪继续升温


    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  17. 【原油贵金属早评】贸易冲突导致需求低迷,油价弱势


    2024/5/4 23:55:17
  18. 氧生福地 玩美北湖(上)——为时光守候两千年

    原标题:氧生福地 玩美北湖(上)——为时光守候两千年一次说走就走的旅行,只有一张高铁票的距离~ 所以,湖南郴州,我来了~ 从广州南站出发,一个半小时就到达郴州西站了。在动车上,同时改票的南风兄和我居然被分到了一个车厢,所以一路非常愉快地聊了过来。 挺好,最起…...

    2024/5/7 9:26:26
  19. 氧生福地 玩美北湖(中)——永春梯田里的美与鲜

    原标题:氧生福地 玩美北湖(中)——永春梯田里的美与鲜一觉醒来,因为大家太爱“美”照,在柳毅山庄去寻找龙女而错过了早餐时间。近十点,向导坏坏还是带着饥肠辘辘的我们去吃郴州最富有盛名的“鱼头粉”。说这是“十二分推荐”,到郴州必吃的美食之一。 哇塞!那个味美香甜…...

    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  20. 氧生福地 玩美北湖(下)——奔跑吧骚年!

    原标题:氧生福地 玩美北湖(下)——奔跑吧骚年!让我们红尘做伴 活得潇潇洒洒 策马奔腾共享人世繁华 对酒当歌唱出心中喜悦 轰轰烈烈把握青春年华 让我们红尘做伴 活得潇潇洒洒 策马奔腾共享人世繁华 对酒当歌唱出心中喜悦 轰轰烈烈把握青春年华 啊……啊……啊 两…...

    2024/5/4 23:55:06
  21. 扒开伪装医用面膜,翻六倍价格宰客,小姐姐注意了!

    原标题:扒开伪装医用面膜,翻六倍价格宰客,小姐姐注意了!扒开伪装医用面膜,翻六倍价格宰客!当行业里的某一品项火爆了,就会有很多商家蹭热度,装逼忽悠,最近火爆朋友圈的医用面膜,被沾上了污点,到底怎么回事呢? “比普通面膜安全、效果好!痘痘、痘印、敏感肌都能用…...

    2024/5/5 8:13:33
  22. 「发现」铁皮石斛仙草之神奇功效用于医用面膜

    原标题:「发现」铁皮石斛仙草之神奇功效用于医用面膜丽彦妆铁皮石斛医用面膜|石斛多糖无菌修护补水贴19大优势: 1、铁皮石斛:自唐宋以来,一直被列为皇室贡品,铁皮石斛生于海拔1600米的悬崖峭壁之上,繁殖力差,产量极低,所以古代仅供皇室、贵族享用 2、铁皮石斛自古民间…...

    2024/5/4 23:55:16
  23. 丽彦妆\医用面膜\冷敷贴轻奢医学护肤引导者

    原标题:丽彦妆\医用面膜\冷敷贴轻奢医学护肤引导者【公司简介】 广州华彬企业隶属香港华彬集团有限公司,专注美业21年,其旗下品牌: 「圣茵美」私密荷尔蒙抗衰,产后修复 「圣仪轩」私密荷尔蒙抗衰,产后修复 「花茵莳」私密荷尔蒙抗衰,产后修复 「丽彦妆」专注医学护…...

    2024/5/4 23:54:58
  24. 广州械字号面膜生产厂家OEM/ODM4项须知!

    原标题:广州械字号面膜生产厂家OEM/ODM4项须知!广州械字号面膜生产厂家OEM/ODM流程及注意事项解读: 械字号医用面膜,其实在我国并没有严格的定义,通常我们说的医美面膜指的应该是一种「医用敷料」,也就是说,医用面膜其实算作「医疗器械」的一种,又称「医用冷敷贴」。 …...

    2024/5/6 21:42:42
  25. 械字号医用眼膜缓解用眼过度到底有无作用?

    原标题:械字号医用眼膜缓解用眼过度到底有无作用?医用眼膜/械字号眼膜/医用冷敷眼贴 凝胶层为亲水高分子材料,含70%以上的水分。体表皮肤温度传导到本产品的凝胶层,热量被凝胶内水分子吸收,通过水分的蒸发带走大量的热量,可迅速地降低体表皮肤局部温度,减轻局部皮肤的灼…...

    2024/5/4 23:54:56
  26. 配置失败还原请勿关闭计算机,电脑开机屏幕上面显示,配置失败还原更改 请勿关闭计算机 开不了机 这个问题怎么办...


    2022/11/19 21:17:18
  27. 错误使用 reshape要执行 RESHAPE,请勿更改元素数目。

    %读入6幅图像&#xff08;每一幅图像的大小是564*564&#xff09; f1 imread(WashingtonDC_Band1_564.tif); subplot(3,2,1),imshow(f1); f2 imread(WashingtonDC_Band2_564.tif); subplot(3,2,2),imshow(f2); f3 imread(WashingtonDC_Band3_564.tif); subplot(3,2,3),imsho…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:16
  28. 配置 已完成 请勿关闭计算机,win7系统关机提示“配置Windows Update已完成30%请勿关闭计算机...

    win7系统关机提示“配置Windows Update已完成30%请勿关闭计算机”问题的解决方法在win7系统关机时如果有升级系统的或者其他需要会直接进入一个 等待界面&#xff0c;在等待界面中我们需要等待操作结束才能关机&#xff0c;虽然这比较麻烦&#xff0c;但是对系统进行配置和升级…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:15
  29. 台式电脑显示配置100%请勿关闭计算机,“准备配置windows 请勿关闭计算机”的解决方法...


    2022/11/19 21:17:14
  30. win7 正在配置 请勿关闭计算机,怎么办Win7开机显示正在配置Windows Update请勿关机...

    置信有很多用户都跟小编一样遇到过这样的问题&#xff0c;电脑时发现开机屏幕显现“正在配置Windows Update&#xff0c;请勿关机”(如下图所示)&#xff0c;而且还需求等大约5分钟才干进入系统。这是怎样回事呢&#xff1f;一切都是正常操作的&#xff0c;为什么开时机呈现“正…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:13
  31. 准备配置windows 请勿关闭计算机 蓝屏,Win7开机总是出现提示“配置Windows请勿关机”...


    2022/11/19 21:17:12
  32. 准备windows请勿关闭计算机要多久,windows10系统提示正在准备windows请勿关闭计算机怎么办...


    2022/11/19 21:17:11
  33. 配置 已完成 请勿关闭计算机,win7系统关机提示“配置Windows Update已完成30%请勿关闭计算机”的解决方法...

    今天和大家分享一下win7系统重装了Win7旗舰版系统后&#xff0c;每次关机的时候桌面上都会显示一个“配置Windows Update的界面&#xff0c;提示请勿关闭计算机”&#xff0c;每次停留好几分钟才能正常关机&#xff0c;导致什么情况引起的呢&#xff1f;出现配置Windows Update…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:10
  34. 电脑桌面一直是清理请关闭计算机,windows7一直卡在清理 请勿关闭计算机-win7清理请勿关机,win7配置更新35%不动...

    只能是等着&#xff0c;别无他法。说是卡着如果你看硬盘灯应该在读写。如果从 Win 10 无法正常回滚&#xff0c;只能是考虑备份数据后重装系统了。解决来方案一&#xff1a;管理员运行cmd&#xff1a;net stop WuAuServcd %windir%ren SoftwareDistribution SDoldnet start WuA…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:09
  35. 计算机配置更新不起,电脑提示“配置Windows Update请勿关闭计算机”怎么办?

    原标题&#xff1a;电脑提示“配置Windows Update请勿关闭计算机”怎么办&#xff1f;win7系统中在开机与关闭的时候总是显示“配置windows update请勿关闭计算机”相信有不少朋友都曾遇到过一次两次还能忍但经常遇到就叫人感到心烦了遇到这种问题怎么办呢&#xff1f;一般的方…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:08
  36. 计算机正在配置无法关机,关机提示 windows7 正在配置windows 请勿关闭计算机 ,然后等了一晚上也没有关掉。现在电脑无法正常关机...

    关机提示 windows7 正在配置windows 请勿关闭计算机 &#xff0c;然后等了一晚上也没有关掉。现在电脑无法正常关机以下文字资料是由(历史新知网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容&#xff0c;让我们赶快一起来看一下吧&#xff01;关机提示 windows7 正在配…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:05
  37. 钉钉提示请勿通过开发者调试模式_钉钉请勿通过开发者调试模式是真的吗好不好用...

    钉钉请勿通过开发者调试模式是真的吗好不好用 更新时间:2020-04-20 22:24:19 浏览次数:729次 区域: 南阳 > 卧龙 列举网提醒您:为保障您的权益,请不要提前支付任何费用! 虚拟位置外设器!!轨迹模拟&虚拟位置外设神器 专业用于:钉钉,外勤365,红圈通,企业微信和…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:05
  38. 配置失败还原请勿关闭计算机怎么办,win7系统出现“配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机”,长时间没反应,无法进入系统的解决方案...

    前几天班里有位学生电脑(windows 7系统)出问题了&#xff0c;具体表现是开机时一直停留在“配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机”这个界面&#xff0c;长时间没反应&#xff0c;无法进入系统。这个问题原来帮其他同学也解决过&#xff0c;网上搜了不少资料&#x…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:04
  39. 一个电脑无法关闭计算机你应该怎么办,电脑显示“清理请勿关闭计算机”怎么办?...

    本文为你提供了3个有效解决电脑显示“清理请勿关闭计算机”问题的方法&#xff0c;并在最后教给你1种保护系统安全的好方法&#xff0c;一起来看看&#xff01;电脑出现“清理请勿关闭计算机”在Windows 7(SP1)和Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1中&#xff0c;添加了1个新功能在“磁…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:03
  40. 请勿关闭计算机还原更改要多久,电脑显示:配置windows更新失败,正在还原更改,请勿关闭计算机怎么办...


    2022/11/19 21:17:02
  41. 还原更改请勿关闭计算机 要多久,配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机,电脑开机后一直显示以...

    配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机&#xff0c;电脑开机后一直显示以以下文字资料是由(历史新知网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容&#xff0c;让我们赶快一起来看一下吧&#xff01;配置windows update失败 还原更改 请勿关闭计算机&#x…...

    2022/11/19 21:17:01
  42. 电脑配置中请勿关闭计算机怎么办,准备配置windows请勿关闭计算机一直显示怎么办【图解】...


    2022/11/19 21:17:00
  43. 正在准备配置请勿关闭计算机,正在准备配置windows请勿关闭计算机时间长了解决教程...


    2022/11/19 21:16:59
  44. 配置失败还原请勿关闭计算机,配置Windows Update失败,还原更改请勿关闭计算机...

    我们使用电脑的过程中有时会遇到这种情况&#xff0c;当我们打开电脑之后&#xff0c;发现一直停留在一个界面&#xff1a;“配置Windows Update失败&#xff0c;还原更改请勿关闭计算机”&#xff0c;等了许久还是无法进入系统。如果我们遇到此类问题应该如何解决呢&#xff0…...

    2022/11/19 21:16:58
  45. 如何在iPhone上关闭“请勿打扰”

    Apple’s “Do Not Disturb While Driving” is a potentially lifesaving iPhone feature, but it doesn’t always turn on automatically at the appropriate time. For example, you might be a passenger in a moving car, but your iPhone may think you’re the one dri…...

    2022/11/19 21:16:57